Application for The Lim Kim San Memorial Scholarship for 2023 is closed.


The scholarship award shall include the following items:
a. Full course fees including tuition and examinations
b. Living allowance of S$2,000 per annum
c. Book allowance of S$300 per annum
d. Subject to satisfactory behaviour and progress, the scholarship shall be tenable for the minimum period required by the scholar to complete the course of study for a first degree including, if applicable, the honours degree, but not exceeding a maximum of four years.
e. No bond is required.
f. Internship opportunities at SPH Media are also available for successful scholarship recipients upon request, and if there are suitable vacancies


The scholarship is for full-time languages, linguistics and humanities degree courses at a local university.
Other courses can be added from time to time at the discretion of the SPH Foundation Board.


a. Applicants for the scholarship must separately seek admission to the universities when the universities invite applications for admission and must be accepted for admission or have already been admitted before the final selection.
b. The scholarship may not, without the prior approval of the Foundation, be held concurrently with any other awards.
c. The scholar is required to sit for all examinations and complete the course within the prescribed time and conform to regulations, instructions and discipline in force at the university.
d. The scholar shall not change the course of study or take up any additional course of study without the prior written permission of the Foundation.
e. The Foundation reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the scholarship at any time if, in its opinion, the scholar's conduct / performance has not been satisfactory.
f. All compulsory fees shall be paid directly to the university.


The scholarship awards will be funded by SPH Foundation Limited, which was set up in January 2003 upon the suggestion of the late Mr Lim Kim San.
The grant of awards, scholarships and bursaries to the public is within the objects of the Foundation, so that they can be administered as part of the Foundation’s activities, subject to the Foundation’s compliance with Endowment Rules, Institution of a Public Character (IPC) Operating Rules and other requirements.